
American Revolutionary War Quiz

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Throughout the many conflicts of the American Revolutionary War, George Washington served as the leader of the American forces. What was the official title of his role as bestowed by the Second Continental Congress?
Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
Grand General of the American Colonies
Master General of the Continental Forces
Commanding Officer of the Continental Army

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Even before the war officially broke out and America declared its independence, there were still groups of rebels who actively opposed the British rule in America. What was the name of the most prominent group of these rebels, which was responsible for the Boston Tea Party?
The Breath of Dawn
Patriots at Arms
The Wolves of Boston
The Sons of Liberty

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The American general Daniel Morgan was able to hold off an exhausted offense from British Colonel Banastre Tarleton in what 1781 South Carolina battle?
The Battle of Marriotsville
The Battle of Cowpens
The Battle of Red Fern Creek
The Battle of Gordonne

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Because they were required to enter combat at a moment's notice, what peculiar nickname were American colonial soldiers given during the early days of the conflict?
The High Alert

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In the original American government that was established under the Articles of Confederation, what Canadian province was invited to join the union because of their aid in the Revolution?
British Columbia

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As the British Army attempted to quell the increasing resistance in this war, they went through a few Supreme Commanders. Who was their Supreme Commander from the beginning of the war to 1778?
Edward Braddock
Charles Cornwallis
William Bradford
William Howe

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One of the earlier battles of the American Revolutionary War was a vicious brawl on an estate that was know as Freeman's Farm. What was this the name of this 1777 battle?
The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
The Battle of Bunker Hill
The First Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Chancellorsville

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Before becoming the decorated soldier that we all know, what job did George Washington work in the Virginia Colony?
A surveyor
A merchant
A blacksmith
A postman

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What famous American naval commander is credited with coining the phrase, "I have not yet begun to fight!"?
John Paul Jones
Bernand Fletcher
Quinton Frost
Cline Burton

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As the document that pretty much started the war officially, The Declaration of Independence is definitely one of the most defining charters in American history. What man was responsible for writing the Declaration?
american revolutionary war quiz
Alexander Hamilton
Ben Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
John Jay

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What armed conflict in 1775 was technically the first battle of the American Revolutionary War?
Fort Ticonderoga
King's Mountain

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From 1777 to 1778, the American colonial army spent the winter training and recuperating in what famous area?
The Rocky Mountain Ridge
The Pine Ridge Springs
Valley Forge
Appalachian Forest

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What patriot and later governor of Massachusetts was responsible for the organization and execution of the Boston Tea Party?
Samuel Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Ben Franklin
John Adams

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Although most people know about how the French massively aided the colonists in their uprising, what other European nation stepped in on the colonists' side in 1779?

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What was the name of the treaty that officially ended the fighting and recognized the United States as an independent nation?
The Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Greenville

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One of the first battles of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Bunker Hill served to give a huge surge of morale to the early Americans. At the end of the battle, the British suffered 1,054 casualties as opposed to how many colonist casualties?

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Common Sense was the name of a famous pamphlet published throughout the war to stir up sympathy for the rebellion in the colonies. What influential patriot and philosopher was responsible for writing Common Sense?
Ben Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
John Adams

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Even though the Battle of Yorktown more or less ended the war in 1781, when were the last British troops actually pulled out of America?

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The Battle of Camden was one of the most absolutely one-sided of the war with a decisive English victory. What was the name of the American general who had his forces crushed in this battle?
Richard Montgomery
Horatio Gates
Ethan Allen
Nathaniel Greene

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What American general went down in infamy for switching over to the English side once he thought there was no hope for the Revolution?
Johann Rall
Henry Clinton
Richard Howe
Benedict Arnold

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France may have covertly been aiding the Americans from the beginning of the Revolutionary War, but during which year did they openly declare war on Great Britain to side with the Americans officially?

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One of the large benefits of the American forces spending the winter safe in Valley Forge was that the Continental Army had time to properly train. What accomplished Prussian officer took it upon himself to train Washington's troops?
Klein von Howitzer
Friedrich von Steuben
Lars von Dusseldorf
Erik von Leipzig

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After the Siege of Yorktown, because Cornwallis sent his own deputy to surrender his sword to Washington, which of Washington's deputies accepted it?
Benjamin Lincoln
Gerome Meinhauser
Matthew Winslow
Grant Steele

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With the demolishing of Gates' army in 1780, what General replaced him as commander of American forces in the South?
Ethan Allen
John Burgoyne
Nathaniel Greene
Benedict Arnold

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What nation, though not technically in an alliance with America, did the English go to war with in 1780 to stop them from trading with the colonies?
The Dutch Republic

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In British Parliament throughout the war, parties clashed hoping to end or continue the campaign. The party that generally favored the war was the Tories, but what was the name of the party that voted to end the war when it took control?
The Whigs
The Liberals
The Conservatives
The Pacifists

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Though it is quite well-known that Washington commanded the American forces at the crucial Battle of Yorktown, what famous officer commanded the equally-important French forces?
Count Moreau
Count Rochambeau
Count Levier
Count DeBussy

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When Washington famously crossed the Delaware river on Christmas Night, what city was he trying to capture?

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Only one battle for George Washington ever ended in a surrender, but it was in the Seven Years War, prior to the American Revolution. What was the name of this battle that Washington was forced to surrender during?
Battle of Quebec
Fort William Henry
Fort Duquesne
Fort Necessity

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What was the name of the famous group of soldiers that was led by Ethan Allen and was able to take over Fort Ticonderoga against all odds?
The Vicksburg Vipers
The Green Mountain Boys
The Lance of Liberty
The Bolts of the Potomac

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The decision to go to war with Britain was officially made by the American colonies at the Second Continental Congress by a majority of representatives from each colony. Where was this meeting held?
New York City

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On July the 8th 1776, the Liberty Bell supposedly rang out in Philadelphia for what historic reason?
To alert the town of British reinforcements approaching
To call the Second Continental Congress to order
For the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence
For the announcement of George Washington being named commander

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