
American Westward Expansion Quiz

Instructions: Answer each question to the best of your ability. Once you select an answer, you will then find out if it is correct or not. There will also be an explanation to help you learn more about history. An orange “Continue” button will appear and allow you to move to the next question.

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When President Jefferson authorized the Louisiana Purchase, he sent Lewis and Clark on an expedition to chart out this new land. What are the first names of Lewis and Clark respectively?
Thomas and Clinton
Phineas and Eustice
Adam and Matthew
Meriwether and William

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

What is the name that was given to residents of Texas that were of Spanish origin?

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Despite the fact that the Great California Gold Rush is often called the Gold Rush of 1849, the gold discovery that started the rush happened in what year?

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What was the name of the idealistic position that many Americans of the age had which dictated that the United States' boundaries should stretch from coast to coast of the North American continent?
Manifest destiny

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

The infamous Donner Party which attempted to cross into the West was led by what two men?
Donald and Stephen Donner
Quincy and Michael Donner
Alfred and Raymond Donner
Jacob and George Donner

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

The actual Oregon Trail which led many Americans out into the western states was about how many miles long?

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The attack on United States soldiers that the Lakota and Cheyenne would call "The Battle of the Hundred in the Hand" is most commonly known by what official title?
The Battle of Sand Creek
The Battle of Little Bighorn
The Coyote Run Massacre
The Fetterman Massacre

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What is the name of the famous entrepreneur who made a fortune by selling blue jeans to miners in the West and would eventually start the first major blue jean manufacturing company?
Levi Strauss
Bruce Callahan
Victor Lyle
Kyle Stahl

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

The Great Migration of 1843 usually specifically refers to a large group of people who moved out West following what famous guide?
Daniel Boone
Davey Crockett
John Gantt
Lucas Reneau

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Members of what religious sect famously crossed the American West in the mid 1800's in an attempt to escape persecution and eventually settled near Salt Lake City, Utah?

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The Polk administration were large supporters of the concept of manifest destiny, which put them at odds with what political party which was highly anti-manifest destiny?

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The Louisiana Purchase was a deal for the transaction of land between the United States and what other nation?
Great Britain

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

Sam Houston, the legendary soldier and frontiersman, won Texan independence from Mexico in what battle?
The Battle fo San Jacinto
The Battle of Dallas
The Siege of Fort Hernandez
The Battle of Guadalupe Bay

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

What state became known as the "Sooner State" because of the many people that sneaked into it before it was even technically opened for habitation?

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 started as many political problems in America as it fixed. Part of the Compromise was the division of the country between slave and non slave states based on what parallel?
36 degree 30'
35 degree 30'
37 degree 31'
35 degree 32'

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In the 1850's and 60's, there were a series of violent political confrontations in the U.S. that were fought over the issue of slavery. These conflicts were called "Bleeding (fill in the blank)."

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

The California Gold Rush was started by a gold strike in 1848 in what California location?
Hacksaw Hill
Sutter's Mill
San Fransisco
Engel Ridge

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

Most of the first people who traveled to the west coast of North America first were members of what occupation?
Fur traders

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

Which Apache Chief famously harassed American armed forces that impeded upon his tribal lands until he had to surrender to General Nelson Miles in 1886?
Sitting Bull
Chief Joseph
Crazy Horse

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What figure is often credited with coming up with the phrase "Manifest destiny"?
Ian Rochester
Joseph Conklin
Quincy Adberry
John O'Sullivan

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The Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 was also known by what name which was the name of the soldier who is credited with instigating it?
The Ferris Massacre
The Stein Massacre
The Brocklehurst Massacre
The Chivington Massacre

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The famous Native American warrior Crazy Horse was the war leader of what tribe?
Ogdala Lakota
Nez Perce

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The Oregon Dragoons, also known as the Peoria Party, were a pioneer group that helped to settle their namesake state. What was the motto of this unofficial organization?
"Oregon or Bust"
"Onward to the West!"
"Conquer All Inbetween"
"We Give a Toast, from Coast to Coast"

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One of the major barriers to Americans first moving generally westward was what mountain range which spans many eastern states?
The Appalachian Mountains
The Rocky Mountains
The Grange Mountains
The Rainer Mountains

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

Which of the following terms was coined to describe the belief of this age that the United States was a unique nation and had a divine duty to spread their democratic values throughout the entire world?
Divine Providence
American Exceptionalism
Conquest for Freedom
The Burden of the First Man

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

Of the original 83 people who made up the Donner Party, how many would actually survive to reach their destination?

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What was the name of the land conferral treaty between the United States and Mexico that added even more land to the country than the Louisiana Purchase?
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Wilson-Santa Anna Accord
The Mesa Verde Transferal Agreement
The Treaty of San Fernando

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

What was the name of the famous American officer who made his "Last Stand" at the Battle of Little Bighorn?
George Meade
Winfield S. Hancock
George Custer
James Longstreet

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

The Ghost Dance Movement was an effort at preserving the traditional way of life of various Native American tribes and was started by the teachings of what man?

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

What was the name of the famous settler mission that was established in 1836 near Walla Walla, Washington?
Whiteman Mission
Culliver's Mission
Red Rock Mission
Mission of the Sacred Virgin

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

What famous Native American Chief united the Sioux tribes after their land in the Black Hills was threatened by imposing prospectors?
Black Elk
Sitting Bull
Blue Jacket

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

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