
Trivia Question

Trivia Question: What color is most often used in national flags? Answer: Red Red appears in over an estimated 75 percent of all national flags. Click Here To Take Today’s History Quiz   Yesterday’s “Trivia Question of the Day”

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: John Brown led a failed raid trying to capture the armory at what city? Answer: Harper’s Ferry Brown was a radical abolitionist. To him, the violence of slavery justified the use of violence in ending the practice as quickly as possible. Brown was executed for his failed uprising. Click Here To Take Today’s … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: What man led the Army of the Potomac during their victory at Gettysburg? Answer: George Meade The Army of the Potomac was led by a number of different men during the early Civil War. Meade was finally able to bring some proper results to this massive fighting force. Thanks to Meade’s leadership, the … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: Infamous punk rock musician Sid Vicious was one of the front men for what band? Answer: Sex Pistols Vicious was the subject of a number of controversies stemming from his rock and roll lifestyle. These came to a head when Vicious was accused of murdering his girlfriend Nancy Spungen. Sid Vicious had been … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” is a famous quote by what American president? Answer: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Roosevelt was elected in one of America’s grimmest historical periods. The Great Depression was underway, and many people were losing their livelihoods. Roosevelt offered these words of comfort foreshadowing his commitment … Read more