
Trivia Question

Trivia Question: Hannibal crossed his elephants through what mountain range to fight Rome? Answer: The Alps Hannibal was a leader of Carthage. The Alps separated his homeland from the Roman Empire. So, Hannibal had to escort many war elephants through rocky terrain in order to bring them to the battlefront. Click Here To Take Today’s … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: According to religious texts, Buddha once tried to save a man in Hell by lowering what down to save him? Answer: A spider’s thread According to this legend, Buddha looked into the sufferer’s life and saw that the one good deed he committed was sparing the life of a spider. So, Buddha lowered … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: The religious figure Juan Diego was said to have encountered the Virgin Mary near the town of Guadalupe in what nation? Answer: Mexico Juan Diego is venerated as a major religious figure in the Americas. According to legends, he had an image of the Virgin Mary formed onto his cloak after he encountered … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: What active volcano is the largest mountain in Japan? Answer: Mt. Fuji Mt. Fuji is visible from some of Japan’s most populous areas. It hovers above Tokyo as a symbolic landmark of the nation. At the base of this famous mountain lies the infamous Aokigahara Forest which has a number of terrifying superstitions … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: What animal appears on the flag of California? Answer: A bear California is the home to a number of mountainous sites. These areas attracted prospectors during the state’s early days. So, prospectors would frequently encounter great bears to the point that bears became symbols of the area. Click Here To Take Today’s History … Read more