
Trivia Question

Trivia Question: What ancient civilization’s nobility wielded curved swords called khopesh? Answer: Ancient Egypt Khopesh were slick and curved blades meant to offer an effective slash. However, they possessed fairly little range because of how dramatically their blades curved. Click Here To Take Today’s History Quiz   Yesterday’s “Trivia Question of the Day”

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: On what continent is the Atacama Desert? Answer: South America The Atacama is on South America’s western coast. It is mainly found in the country of Chile. Click Here To Take Today’s History Quiz   Yesterday’s “Trivia Question of the Day”

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: In Greek mythology, lamia have the bodies of humans and the tails of what other creature? Answer: Snakes Lamia were depicted in a number of artistic pieces such as vases and written poems. The prevailing belief was that lamia snatched human children to devour them. Most often, lamia were portrayed as female. Click … Read more

Charles Parnell Quiz

Instructions: Answer each question to the best of your ability. Once you select an answer, you will then find out if it is correct or not. There will also be an explanation to help you learn more about history. An orange “Continue” button will appear and allow you to move to the next question. Good … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: What did the name of the Irish hero Cu Chulainn mean? Answer: The Hound of Chulainn Cu Chulainn was the son of the Celtic god Lugh. As a cultural icon, Cu Chulainn is often pointed to as one of Ireland’s most famous mythical heroes. Click Here To Take Today’s History Quiz   Yesterday’s … Read more