
Trivia Question

Trivia Question: The English Channel separates England from what other country? Answer: France Across history, the English Channel has been an important buffer between these two powers. Even as recently as World War Two, the English Channel helped the armed forces of the U.K. break Germany’s blitzkrieg. Click Here To Take Today’s History Quiz   … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: Kshatriya were aristocratic warriors of what nation in its distant past? Answer: India According to most accounts, Kshatriya were members of the second-highest social stratum. Only religious and intellectual authorities occupied a higher place in society than the Kshatriya. A number of kings and lords from India’s past were members of this class. … Read more

Wilhelm II Quiz

Instructions: Answer each question to the best of your ability. Once you select an answer, you will then find out if it is correct or not. There will also be an explanation to help you learn more about history. An orange “Continue” button will appear and allow you to move to the next question. Good … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: The city of Mecca is located in what modern country? Answer: Saudi Arabia Mecca is considered the holiest city in most Muslim sects. That is because Mecca was the original home of the prophet Muhammad. Every year, Mecca is filled with Muslim pilgrims who take the Hajj to visit this site as a … Read more

Trivia Question

Trivia Question: What American entrepreneur was the world’s first billionaire? Answer: John D. Rockefeller Rockefeller made his fortune in the oil business. Constructing pipelines and oil refineries across the U.S. ended up making him rich beyond human imagination. So great was his business empire that John Rockefeller had his company broken up by the American … Read more