
World War II Quiz

Instructions: Answer each question to the best of your ability. Once you select an answer, you will then find out if it is correct or not. There will also be an explanation to help you learn more about history. An orange “Continue” button will appear and allow you to move to the next question.

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What treaty that ended WWI and put heavy burdens on Germany do many historians point to as one of the earliest causes of WWII?
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Greenville

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Though it is common knowledge that in the beginning of WWII the Germans signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union, what was the official name of this document?
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
The Bismarck Non-Hostility Agreement
The Warsaw Accords
The Forhaust Disarmament Treaty

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The general consensus among scholars and historians is that the Second World War began in which year?

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Once the two clear sides were formed and the battle lines were drawn, what were the names of the two opposing factions in World War Two?
The Eastern and Western Powers
The Axis and Allied Powers
The German and English Alliances
The Capitalist and Communist Nations

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Even though most point to 1939 as the beginning of the war, others say it was 1937 because that was the year when Japan began trying to conquer what other nation?

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Before Adolf Hitler rose to power and established the Third Reich in Germany, what was the name of Germany's short-lived democratic government?
North Austrian Republic
The Confederacy of Deutschland
Wiemar Republic

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Back in 1931, before the war fully erupted, what land did Japan invade and eventually take over, causing them to leave the League of Nations?

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In what year did the United States formally enter the fray in response to the Pearl Harbor attacks?

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What German general, nicknamed "Desert Fox", was responsible for leading the German forces in North Africa?
Manfred von Richtofen
Erwin Rommel
Kleine Raumsted
Heinrich Himmler

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What was the name of the leader of China throughout The Second World War?
Chiang Kai-shek
Mao Zedong
Xi Jinping
Hau Guofeng

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In World War Two, when Allied forces began to plan their invasion of France from across the English Channel, they code named the operation D-Day. What does the "D" in D-Day stand for?
Absolutely nothing

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Throughout World War Two, what was the nickname for German submarines used almost universally?

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In the war between Japan and the U.S.A. in the Pacific Ocean, what legendary battle went down in the history books as being the first sea-air battle?
The Battle of Midway
The Battle of Saigon
The Battle of Coral Sea
The Battle of Iwo Jima

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Despite the fact that they are rarely considered one of the biggest contributors to the Allied war effort, approximately how many Canadians actually served in World War Two?
.35 Million
.68 Million
.94 Million
1.12 Million

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

What is the name of the Spanish dictator who took over his county thanks to the aid of Adolf Hitler?
Maximo des Lucelles
Frederico de Lupino
Francisco Franco
Benito Mussolini

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

Throughout the merciless and brutal combat that happened along Germany's Eastern front, what 1942-1943 battle marked the turning point with a hard-fought Russian victory?
Kortonnes Plains

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While the tragedy of war happened out in the open, the tragedy of the Holocaust happened behind the scenes. What does the word "Holocaust" roughly mean in its original use?
"Less than human"
"Long black night"
"Eternal sorrow"
"Death by fire"

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The ruthless tactic of fire-bombing used throughout the war led to a tragic number of civilian casualties throughout the conflict. The fire-bombing of what place inspired the book Slaughterhouse Five?

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In France, even when occupied by Germany, the people looked to what man as the leader of their armed forces?
Maurice Gamelin
Alphonse Juin
Charles de Gaulle
Pierre LeBouef

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

Once Germany marched through and took over the nation of France, they decided to install a puppet government in order to enforce their will. What was the name of this new French government?
The New Reichlands
The Republic of Western Germany
The Western Rhineland
Vichy France

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

What event in 1939 is considered the official beginning of the war because it caused most of Europe to declare war on Germany?
The German invasion of Austria
The German invasion of Poland
The sinking of the Lusitania
The bombing of London

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The Axis Powers began to truly crumble with the surrender of which member nation in 1943?

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The German military operation known as "Operation Barbarossa" was the plan to attack which other nation?
The Soviet Union
Great Britain

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Even before World War Two began, most Axis Powers tried to take over smaller nations to add to their own empires. What nation did Italy conquer in the Second Italo-Abyssinian War?

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German General Erwin Rommel was involved in a failed plot to assassinate Hitler. After his involvement in this plot, he met what grizzly end?
He was hanged
He was shot by a firing squad
He was forced to kill himself
He was burned alive

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The turning point for the war in the Pacific theater is considered which battle in 1942?
The Battle of the Coral Sea
The Battle of Midway
The Battle of Iwo Jima
The Battle of Saigon

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Sorry, that is not the correct answer.

Accounting for everyone killed in the Holocaust, what was its estimated total death toll?
4 Million
7 Million
9 Million
11 Million

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In terms of death toll, World War Two is the ___ deadliest conflict in human history. (Fill in the Blank)

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Once the smoke settled and the war officially ended, what new peace-keeping organization was created to replace the failed League of Nations?
The United Nations
The Peace Corps
The Global Union

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What was the name of the Prime Minister of Great Britain who managed to defend his country from German onslaught throughout the Second World War?
Louis Marlowe
Franklin Rowley
Michael Somerset
Winston Churchill

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After the First World War, France created a de-militarized zone as a buffer between them and Germany to prevent another invasion. What was the name of this area?
The Cannes Boardwalk
The Carriough Way
The Maginot Line
The Pacifist's Point

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After taking over Germany, what was the first area that Hitler ordered the annexation of?

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What World War Two battle marked the final major German offensive of the conflict?
The Battle of the Somme
The Battle of Normandy
The Battle of Verdun
The Battle of the Bulge

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In what city was the peace conference that officially ended World War Two held?
Washington D.C.

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What famous military officer commanded the American forces that fought in the South Pacific throughout the Second World War and also was designated to receive the surrender of Japan?
Dwight Eisenhower
George Patton
Douglas MacArthur
Anthony Wayne

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At which battle was this legendary image of soldiers united to lift an American flag taken?
world war II quiz
The Battle of Coral Sea
The Battle of the Bulge
The Battle of Midway
The Battle of Iwo Jima

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The final true act of violence in World War Two was the the United States dropping two atomic bombs on what other nation?

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