
Most Iconic Photos In History

A Family Portrait Out Of This World


The photo above is simply a snapshot of a family portrait, however this portrait is unique, because it is sitting on the moon and has been for the last 40 years.

In April of 1972, Apollo 16 touched down on the moon and the pilot, Charles Duke, began his lunar trip.  At the time, he was just 36, making him the youngest ever to set foot on the moon.

As a memento, Charles left a portrait of his family there.  With him is his wife Dottie and his two sons, Charles and Tom.  Charles also decided to take a photo of the portrait so that he would have proof of what he left behind.

Charles also left the following message on the back of the portrait, just in case another life form finds the portrait and understands how to read english:

“‘This is the family of Astronaut Duke from Planet Earth. Landed on the Moon, April 1972,”

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