
Harriet Tubman Quiz

Harriet Tubman Quiz

Take the Harriet Tubman Quiz Throughout history, hardships come and go. The scars they leave upon individuals, however, do not pass so easily with time. This is why it is so vital for us to remember those who fought against these hardships and injustice in general. Harriet Tubman defied many odds to make her name … Read more

17th Century American History Quiz

17th Century American History Quiz

The 17th Century American History Quiz As Europe began its colonization of American lands, human history irrevocably changed. The abundance of resources the “New World” had to offer enticed a great many European powers to try and secure a piece of the newly discovered continents for themselves. As greed and conquest dominated much of the … Read more

Beethoven Quiz

Beethoven Quiz

The Beethoven Quiz. Through a flair for the dramatic and a prodigious knowledge of all things musical, Beethoven became synonymous with innovation in the subject of song. Composing ground-breaking symphony after ground-breaking symphony, the man established staples and conventions which guided the process of musical evolution for centuries to come. How much do you know … Read more

History of The Catholic Church Quiz

History of The Catholic Church Quiz

The History of The Catholic Church Quiz As one of the longest-lasting and most influential societal bodies in the history of the western world, The Catholic Church has a history as vast as it is iconic. No stranger to controversial moments, the history of the Church is emblematic of the history of all western society. … Read more

George Patton Quiz

George Patton Quiz

The George Patton Quiz Charging through a hail of gunfire to become a legendary hero, George Patton proved himself on and off the battlefield. As an officer of the military, Patton distinguished himself with his brusque nature as well as his tactical mind. Many historians consider him one of the defining figures of his age. … Read more